Theatre Alliance fees…

Musical Theatre Alliance

  • £62 per month (£15.50 per week)

  • Fee based on a 4 week month.

  • Classes run weekly on Tuesdays from 7.30-9pm.

Senior Dance Alliance

  • £42 per month (£10.50 per week)

  • Fee based on a 4 week month.

  • Classes run weekly on Tuesdays from 6.30-7.30pm.

Junior MT Alliance

  • £36 per month (£9 per week)

  • Fee based on a 4 week month.

  • Classes run weekly on Tuesdays from 5.30-6.30pm.

Women’s Dance Alliance

  • £42 per month (£10.50 per week)

  • Fee based on a 4 week month.

  • Classes run weekly on Thursdays from 6.15-7.15pm.

Young Dance Alliance

  • £42 per month (£10.50 per week)

  • Fee based on a 4 week month.

  • Classes run weekly on Thursdays from 7.30-8.30pm.

General information about our fees & payment

  • Fees are paid monthly in advance and managed via our online payment system.

    All class participants are required to sign up for automatic payments and monthly fees debit your account on the 1st of each month.

    We issue participants with a statement just before the 1st of the month so you know exactly what you’re paying.

  • All scheduled classes must be paid for. Months where there are no class dates (such as October break, Christmas and Easter break) charge accordingly.

    For example, in a month where there are only two classes, you would pay half the monthly fee. The monthly fee is based on four classes per month.

  • Students receive a 15% discount on fees and 50% on their Annual Membership Fee.

    Members taking two classes receive a discount of 25% and members taking three classes receive a discount of 30%. Members from the same household - second member receives a 50% discount.

  • There is an Annual Membership Fee for Theatre Alliance of £12.50 (over and above tuition/class fees.)

    This is charged once per year (Usually in July) or upon sign up.

  • Once signed up to class, we will be selecting a production and working towards that.

    You can cancel your subscription at any time, although we of course hope that everyone will stay for the duration of the rehearsal period!

    Any fees already paid for the period are non-refundable.